Contact: Vicki Boling |
Vicki was born in Maryland but her family moved to the mountains of North Carolina near the
Asheville area when she was very little. Growing up, she was accustomed to the lifestyle of the
small-town country life, but excursions to Asheville kept her well rounded. Prior to her
accident and when she was more agile, Vicki liked to ride horses when she could, hike, and ride
her motorcycle. To support her interests, she had jobs of homecare and then in an industrial
setting while working for Ecusta Paper Mill in Brevard, N.C., and BASF in Asheville, a plastics
and polymer manufacturer. Vicki could often be seen working odd shifts at all hours of the day,
double-shifts, and even on weekends. Vicki's mantra was "work hard, play hard." After the accident that paralyzed her leg, Vicki had to find other avenues to occupy her time. When she was not a full-time mother watching her little "Mini Me," she was very active in cat, dog, and horse rescues. For several years, the house seemed to always have a foster dog or cat. Sometimes there might even be two at a time, or in one case, a mother cat and her litter. During the fostering period, she and Terry would foster-fail with one of the dogs and the mother cat and one of her daughters. (Note - A foster-fail is, while watching an animal while looking for a permanent owner, the person fostering decides to keep the animal for themselves.) The horse rescuing was a process of finding potential owners to horses waiting in a "kill pen" auction that were waiting to be bought and shipped to Mexico or Canada to be slaughtered. She would later rescue a horse from a kill pen and had it shipped from New Jersey to South Carolina. There was a time the Boling household consisted of four dogs, two cats, three horses, three chickens, and a chinchilla. All were rescues except for one. Vicki still enjoys the things she did before and after the accident when her body allows these activities, but when she is not, she is enjoying life in the country on her horse farm with her animals and her family. |